Japanese cooking class (Shoyu-Ramen)

We cooked shoyu-ramen, Gyoza, Bon bon chicken and Green tea cream brulee. I made the ramen-noodle with the “Philips Pasta Maker“.


Matcha (Green Tea) Creme Brulee
Matcha (Green Tea) Creme Brulee
Gyoza in Zürich

Japanese cooking class (Vegetarian-Ramen) in November 2019

We cooked vegi tantan-ramen, Vegi gyoza and spring rolls. I made the ramen-noodle with the “Philips Pasta Maker“.

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Japanese cooking class (Shoyu-Ramen) in October 2019

We cooked shoyu-ramen, Gyoza, Bon bon chicken and Green tea cream brulee. I made the ramen-noodle with the “Philips Pasta Maker“.

Japanese cooking class (Ramen) in October 2019

We cooked tantan-ramen, dim sum (shumai) and spring rolls. I made the ramen-noodle with the “Philips Pasta Maker“.

private ramen intensive class

We cooked tantan-ramen, shoyu-ramen, Bonbonchicken, gyoza in 5 hours. We made the ramen-noodle with the “Philips Pasta Maker“.