Onsite sushi course in Zurich in December 2018

I gave an onsite sushi course for a company in Zurich.
I had a really wonderful time. Thank you so much!

#‎zurich‬ ‪#‎nachtmann‬ ‪#‎tablesetting‬ ‪#‎kimono‬ ‪#‎sushi‬ ‪#‎washoku‬ ‪#‎chilewich‬

Japanese cooking (Teriyaki) in December 2018

We cooked Teriyaki-Chicken in the class. The chicken skin was crisp, the meat was juicy, it was so delicious! 

New Year’s party with traditional Japanese new year foods (Osechi)

Happy New Year!
I made Osechi, which are special dishes eaten on the first three days of the New Year.

Voucher as a Christmas gift

Have you bought Christmas presents? How about a voucher of a sushi course? All coupons contain the receiver’s name and are thus an individualized present!
If you are in a hurry, I can email you the voucher as a PDF file.
Online shop

Onsite sushi course in Zurich in November 2018

I gave an onsite sushi course for a company in Zurich.
I had a really wonderful time. Thank you so much!

Japanese cooking (Yakitori) in November 2018

We cooked yakitori (with salt, sauce), chawanmushi with ankake, miso Soup, Japanese rice with edamame, and green tea chiffon cake in the class. It was so delicious!